Command Line Usage

Here we will walk through the basic work flow of using KGX from the command line. The files can be found in the github repo.

We’ll assume that we’re using a local instance of neo4j at bolt://localhost:7687, with the username neo4j and the password password.


$ kgx validate tests/resources/semmed/cell.json tests/resources/semmed/gene.json tests/resources/semmed/protein.json
ERROR:root:Item: umls_type Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: labels Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: xrefs Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: pmids Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: predicate Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: n_pmids Message: no such short form
ERROR:root:Item: is_defined_by Message: no such short form


Combine three files into one

$ kgx dump tests/resources/semmed/cell.json tests/resources/semmed/gene.json tests/resources/semmed/protein.json target/combined.json
File created at: target/combined.json


Neo4j Upload operation

Uploading combined.json to a local neo4j instance

kgx neo4j-upload bolt://localhost:7687 neo4j password target/combined.json

Neo4j Download operation

Downloading a subset of what we had uploaded. Running in debug mode so we can see the cypher queries

kgx --debug neo4j-download --properties object id UMLS:C1290952 --labels subject disease_or_phenotypic_feature bolt://localhost:7687 neo4j password target/neo4j-download.json

Downloading another subset, this time filtering on the edge label

kgx --debug neo4j-download --labels edge predisposes bolt://localhost:7687 neo4j password target/predisposes.json

Merge operation

Load nodes and edges from multiple Knowledge Graphs, as defined in a config YAML, merge them into a single graph and save the merged graph into a Neo4j database.

kgx --debug neo4j load-and-merge --destination-uri bolt://localhost:7687 neo4j neo4j config.yml

where the config.yml is similar to sample-merge-config.yml.