Welcome to Knowledge Graph Exchange’s documentation

A utility library and set of command line tools for exchanging data in knowledge graphs.

The tooling here is partly generic but intended primarily for building the translator-knowledge-graph.


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install

The installation requires Python 3.

For convenience, make use of the venv module in Python 3 to create a lightweight virtual environment:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

Internal Representation

Internal representation is networkx MultiDiGraph which is a property graph.

The structure of this graph is expected to conform to the tr-kg standard, briefly summarized here:

  • id : required
  • name : string
  • category : string. broad high level type. Corresponds to label in neo4j
  • extensible other properties
  • subject : required
  • predicate : required
  • object : required
  • extensible other fields


Intended to support,

  • Generic Graph Formats
  • local or remote files
    • CSV
    • TSV (such as the RKB adapted data loading formats)
    • RDF (Monarch/OBAN style, …)
    • GraphML
    • CX
  • remote store via query API
  • Neo4j/bolt
  • RDF



Neo4j implements property graphs out the box. However, some implementations use reification nodes. The transform should allow for de-reification.

Indices and tables