Source code for kgx.transformers.neo_transformer

import logging
import itertools
import uuid
import click
import networkx as nx
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

from kgx.transformers.transformer import Transformer
from kgx.utils.kgx_utils import generate_edge_key
from neo4jrestclient.client import GraphDatabase as http_gdb, Node, Relationship
from neo4jrestclient.query import CypherException

[docs]class NeoTransformer(Transformer): """ Transformer for reading from and writing to a Neo4j database. """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: nx.MultiDiGraph = None, uri: str = None, username: str = None, password: str = None): """ Initialize an instance of NeoTransformer. """ super(NeoTransformer, self).__init__(graph) self.http_driver = None self.http_driver = http_gdb(uri, username=username, password=password)
[docs] def load(self, start: int = 0, end: int = None, is_directed: bool = True) -> None: """ Read nodes and edges from a Neo4j database and create a networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- start: int Start for pagination end: int End for pagination is_directed: bool Are edges directed or undirected (``True``, by default, since edges in most cases are directed) """ # TODO: make PAGE_SIZE configurable PAGE_SIZE = 10_000 if end is None: # get total number of records to be fetched from Neo4j count = self.count(is_directed=is_directed) else: count = end - start with click.progressbar(length=count, label='Getting {:,} records from Neo4j'.format(count)) as bar: time_start = self.current_time_in_millis() for page in self.get_pages(self.get_edges, start, end, page_size=PAGE_SIZE, **{'is_directed': is_directed}): self.load_edges(page) bar.update(PAGE_SIZE) bar.update(count) time_end = self.current_time_in_millis() logging.debug("time taken to load edges: {} ms".format(time_end - time_start))
[docs] def count(self, is_directed: bool = True) -> int: """ Get the total count of records to be fetched from the Neo4j database. Parameters ---------- is_directed: bool Are edges directed or undirected (``True``, by default, since edges in most cases are directed) Returns ------- int The total count of records """ direction = '->' if is_directed else '-' query = f""" MATCH (s{self.get_filter('subject_category')})-[p{self.get_filter('edge_label')}]{direction}(o{self.get_filter('object_category')}) RETURN COUNT(*) AS count; """ logging.debug("Query: {}".format(query)) try: query_result = self.http_driver.query(query) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) for result in query_result: return result[0]
[docs] def load_nodes(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> None: """ Load nodes into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- nodes: List[neo4jrestclient.client.Node] A list of node records """ start = self.current_time_in_millis() for node in nodes: self.load_node(node) end = self.current_time_in_millis() logging.debug("time taken to load nodes: {} ms".format(end - start))
[docs] def load_node(self, node: Node) -> None: """ Load node from neo4jrestclient.client.Node into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- node: neo4jrestclient.client.Node A node """ attributes = {} for key, value in attributes[key] = value node_labels = [x._label for x in node.labels] if 'category' not in attributes: attributes['category'] = node_labels else: if isinstance(attributes['category'], str): attributes['category'] = [attributes['category']] for l in node_labels: if l not in attributes['category']: attributes['category'].append(l) if Transformer.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL not in attributes['category']: attributes['category'].append(Transformer.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL) node_id = node['id'] if 'id' in node else self.graph.add_node(node_id, **attributes)
[docs] def load_edges(self, edges: List) -> None: """ Load edges into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- edges: List A list of edge records """ start = self.current_time_in_millis() for record in edges: edge = record[1] self.load_edge(edge) end = self.current_time_in_millis() logging.debug("time taken to load edges: {} ms".format(end - start))
[docs] def load_edge(self, edge: Relationship) -> None: """ Load an edge from neo4jrestclient.client.Relationship into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- edge: neo4jrestclient.client.Relationship An edge """ edge_subject = edge.start edge_predicate = edge_object = edge.end subject_id = edge_subject['id'] if 'id' in edge_subject else object_id = edge_object['id'] if 'id' in edge_object else attributes = {} for key, value in edge_predicate.items(): attributes[key] = value if 'subject' not in attributes: attributes['subject'] = subject_id if 'object' not in attributes: attributes['object'] = object_id if 'edge_label' not in attributes: attributes['edge_label'] = edge.type if not self.graph.has_node(subject_id): self.load_node(edge_subject) if not self.graph.has_node(object_id): self.load_node(edge_object) key = generate_edge_key(subject_id, attributes['edge_label'], object_id) self.graph.add_edge(subject_id, object_id, key, **attributes)
[docs] def get_pages(self, query_function, start: int = 0, end: int = None, page_size: int = 10_000, **kwargs) -> list: """ Get pages of size ``page_size`` from Neo4j. Returns an iterator of pages where number of pages is (``end`` - ``start``)/``page_size`` Parameters ---------- query_function: func The function to use to fetch records. Usually this is ``self.get_nodes`` or ``self.get_edges`` start: int Start for pagination end: int End for pagination page_size: int Size of each page (``10000``, by default) **kwargs: dict Any additional arguments that might be relevant for ``query_function`` Returns ------- list An iterator for a list of records from Neo4j. The size of the list is ``page_size`` """ # itertools.count(0) starts counting from zero, and would run indefinitely without a return statement. # it's distinguished from applying a while loop via providing an index which is formative with the for statement for i in itertools.count(0): # First halt condition: page pointer exceeds the number of values allowed to be returned in total skip = start + (page_size * i) limit = page_size if end is None or skip + page_size <= end else end - skip if limit <= 0: return # execute query_function to get records records = query_function(skip=skip, limit=limit, **kwargs) # Second halt condition: no more data available if records: """ * Yield halts execution until next call * Thus, the function continues execution upon next call * Therefore, a new page is calculated before record is instantiated again """ yield records else: return
[docs] def get_nodes(self, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 0) -> List[Node]: """ Get a page of nodes from the Neo4j database. Parameters ---------- skip: int Records to skip limit: int Total number of records to query for Returns ------- list A list of neo4jrestclient.client.Node records """ if limit == 0 or limit is None: query = f""" MATCH (n) WHERE n{self.get_filter('subject_category')} OR n{self.get_filter('object_category')} RETURN n SKIP {skip} """ else: query = f""" MATCH (n) WHERE n{self.get_filter('subject_category')} OR n{self.get_filter('object_category')} RETURN n SKIP {skip} LIMIT {limit} """ logging.debug(query) # Filter out all the associated metadata to ensure the results are clean try: results = self.http_driver.query(query, returns=Node) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) logging.debug("Results: {}".format(results)) nodes = [node for node in results] logging.debug("Tidied results: {}".format(nodes)) return nodes
[docs] def get_edges(self, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 0, is_directed: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[Node, Relationship, Node]]: """ Get a page of edges from the Neo4j database. Parameters ---------- skip: int Records to skip limit: int Total number of records to query for is_directed: bool Are edges directed or undirected (``True``, by default, since edges in most cases are directed) Returns ------- list A list of 3-tuples of the form (neo4jrestclient.client.Node, neo4jrestclient.client.Relationship, neo4jrestclient.client.Node) """ direction = '->' if is_directed else '-' query = f""" MATCH (s{self.get_filter('subject_category')})-[p{self.get_filter('edge_label')}]{direction}(o{self.get_filter('object_category')}) RETURN s, p, o SKIP {skip} """ if limit: query += f" LIMIT {limit}" if skip < limit: logging.debug(query) try: results = self.http_driver.query(query, returns=(Node, Relationship, Node)) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) edge_triples = [x for x in results] return edge_triples return []
[docs] def save_node(self, obj: dict) -> None: """ Load a node into Neo4j. TODO: To be deprecated. Parameters ---------- obj: dict A dictionary that represents a node and its properties. The node must have 'id' property. For all other necessary properties, refer to the BioLink Model. """ obj = self.validate_node(obj) category = obj.pop('category')[0] properties = ', '.join('n.{0}=${0}'.format(k) for k in obj.keys()) query = f"MERGE (n:`{category}` {{id: $id}}) SET {properties}" logging.debug(query) try: self.http_driver.query(query, params=obj) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce)
[docs] def save_node_unwind(self, nodes_by_category: Dict[str, list]) -> None: """ Save all nodes into Neo4j using the UNWIND cypher clause. Parameters ---------- nodes_by_category: Dict[str, list] A dictionary where node category is the key and the value is a list of nodes of that category """ for category in nodes_by_category.keys(): logging.debug("Generating UNWIND for category: {}".format(category)) query = self.generate_unwind_node_query(category) try: self.http_driver.query(query, params={'nodes': nodes_by_category[category]}) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce)
[docs] def generate_unwind_node_query(self, category: str) -> str: """ Generate UNWIND cypher query for saving nodes into Neo4j. There should be a CONSTRAINT in Neo4j for ``self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL``. The query uses ``self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL`` as the node label to increase speed for adding nodes. The query also sets label to ``self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL`` for any node to make sure that the CONSTRAINT applies. Parameters ---------- category: str Node category Returns ------- str The UNWIND cypher query """ query = f""" UNWIND $nodes AS node MERGE (n:`{self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL}` {{id:}}) ON CREATE SET n += node, n:{category} """ return query
[docs] def save_edge_unwind(self, edges_by_edge_label: Dict[str, list]) -> None: """ Save all edges into Neo4j using the UNWIND cypher clause. Parameters ---------- edges_by_edge_label: dict A dictionary where edge label is the key and the value is a list of edges with that edge label """ for predicate in edges_by_edge_label: query = self.generate_unwind_edge_query(predicate) edges = edges_by_edge_label[predicate] for i in range(0, len(edges), 1000): end = i + 1000 subset = edges[i:end]"edges subset: {}-{} for predicate {}".format(i, end, predicate)) time_start = self.current_time_in_millis() try: self.http_driver.query(query, params={"relationship": predicate, "edges": subset}) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) time_end = self.current_time_in_millis() logging.debug("time taken to load edges: {} ms".format(time_end - time_start))
[docs] def generate_unwind_edge_query(self, edge_label: str) -> str: """ Generate UNWIND cypher query for saving edges into Neo4j. Query uses ``self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL`` to quickly lookup the required subject and object node. Parameters ---------- edge_label: str Edge label as string Returns ------- str The UNWIND cypher query """ query = f""" UNWIND $edges AS edge MATCH (s:`{self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL}` {{id: edge.subject}}), (o:`{self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL}` {{id: edge.object}}) MERGE (s)-[r:`{edge_label}`]->(o) SET r += edge """ return query
[docs] def save_edge(self, obj: dict) -> None: """ Load an edge into Neo4j. TODO: To be deprecated. Parameters ---------- obj: dict A dictionary that represents an edge and its properties. The edge must have 'subject', 'edge_label' and 'object' properties. For all other necessary properties, refer to the BioLink Model. """ obj = self.validate_edge(obj) edge_label = obj.pop('edge_label') properties = ', '.join('r.{0}=${0}'.format(k) for k in obj.keys()) q = f""" MATCH (s {{id: $subject}}), (o {{id: $object}}) MERGE (s)-[r:{edge_label}]->(o) SET {properties} """ try: self.http_driver.query(q, params=obj) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce)
[docs] def save_with_unwind(self) -> None: """ Save all nodes and edges from networkx.MultiDiGraph into Neo4j using the UNWIND cypher clause. """ nodes_by_category = {} for n, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if 'id' not in node_data: node_data['id'] = n node_data = self.validate_node(node_data) category = ':'.join(node_data['category'])"Category: {}".format(category)) if category not in nodes_by_category: nodes_by_category[category] = [node_data] else: nodes_by_category[category].append(node_data) edges_by_edge_label = {} for n, nbrs in self.graph.adjacency(): for nbr, eattr in nbrs.items(): for entry, adjitem in eattr.items(): edge = self.validate_edge(adjitem) if adjitem['edge_label'] not in edges_by_edge_label: edges_by_edge_label[edge['edge_label']] = [edge] else: edges_by_edge_label[edge['edge_label']].append(edge) # create indexes print(set(nodes_by_category.keys())) self.create_constraints(set(nodes_by_category.keys())) # save all nodes self.save_node_unwind(nodes_by_category) # save all edges self.save_edge_unwind(edges_by_edge_label)
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """ Save all nodes and edges from networkx.MultiDiGraph into Neo4j. TODO: To be deprecated. """ categories = {self.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL} for n, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if 'category' in node_data: if isinstance(node_data['category'], list): categories.update(node_data['category']) else: categories.add(node_data['category']) self.create_constraints(categories) for n, node_data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if 'id' not in node_data: node_data['id'] = n self.save_node(node_data) for n, nbrs in self.graph.adjacency(): for nbr, eattr in nbrs.items(): for entry, adjitem in eattr.items(): self.save_edge(adjitem) self.neo4j_report()
[docs] def neo4j_report(self) -> None: """ Give a summary on the number of nodes and edges in the Neo4j database. """ try: node_results = self.http_driver.query("MATCH (n) RETURN COUNT(*)") except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) for r in node_results:"Number of Nodes: {}".format(r[0])) try: edge_results = self.http_driver.query("MATCH (s)-->(o) RETURN COUNT(*)") except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce) for r in edge_results:"Number of Edges: {}".format(r[0]))
[docs] def create_constraints(self, categories: set) -> None: """ Create a unique constraint on node 'id' for all ``categories`` in Neo4j. Parameters ---------- categories: set Set of categories """ query = "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:`{}`) ASSERT IS UNIQUE" label_set = {Transformer.DEFAULT_NODE_LABEL} for label in categories: if ':' in label: sub_labels = label.split(':') for sublabel in sub_labels: label_set.add(sublabel) else: label_set.add(label) for label in label_set: try: self.http_driver.query(query.format(label)) except CypherException as ce: logging.error(ce)
[docs] def get_filter(self, key: str) -> str: """ Get the value for filter as defined by ``key``. This is used as a convenience method for generating cypher queries. Parameters ---------- key: str Name of the filter Returns ------- str Value corresponding to the given filter `key`, formatted for CQL """ value = '' if key in self.filters and len(self.filters[key]) != 0: value = f":`{self.filters[key]}`" return value