Source code for kgx.transformers.rdf_transformer

import click, rdflib, logging, os, uuid
import networkx as nx
from typing import Tuple, Union, Set, List, Dict
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, OWL
from collections import defaultdict
from prefixcommons.curie_util import read_remote_jsonld_context

from kgx.prefix_manager import PrefixManager
from kgx.transformers.transformer import Transformer
from kgx.transformers.rdf_graph_mixin import RdfGraphMixin
from kgx.utils.rdf_utils import property_mapping, make_curie, infer_category
from kgx.utils.kgx_utils import get_toolkit

biolink_prefix_map = read_remote_jsonld_context('')

# TODO: use OBO IRI from biolink model context once is resolved
OBO = Namespace('')
OBAN = Namespace(biolink_prefix_map['OBAN'])
PMID = Namespace(biolink_prefix_map['PMID'])
BIOLINK = Namespace(biolink_prefix_map['@vocab'])
DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL = 'related_to'

[docs]class RdfTransformer(RdfGraphMixin, Transformer): """ Transformer that parses RDF and loads triples, as nodes and edges, into a networkx.MultiDiGraph This is the base class which is used to implement other RDF-based transformers. """ OWL_PREDICATES = [RDFS.subClassOf, OWL.sameAs, OWL.equivalentClass] is_about = URIRef('') has_subsequence = URIRef('') is_subsequence_of = URIRef('') def __init__(self, source_graph: nx.MultiDiGraph = None): super().__init__(source_graph) self.ontologies = [] self.prefix_manager = PrefixManager() self.toolkit = get_toolkit()
[docs] def parse(self, filename: str = None, input_format: str = None, provided_by: str = None, predicates: Set[URIRef] = None) -> None: """ Parse a file, containing triples, into a rdflib.Graph The file can be either a 'turtle' file or any other format supported by rdflib. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to read from. input_format : str The input file format. If ``None`` is provided then the format is guessed using ``rdflib.util.guess_format()`` provided_by : str Define the source providing the input file. """ rdfgraph = rdflib.Graph() if input_format is None: input_format = rdflib.util.guess_format(filename)"Parsing {} with '{}' format".format(filename, input_format)) rdfgraph.parse(filename, format=input_format)"{} parsed with {} triples".format(filename, len(rdfgraph))) # TODO: use source from RDF if provided_by: self.graph_metadata['provided_by'] = [provided_by] else: if isinstance(filename, str): self.graph_metadata['provided_by'] = [os.path.basename(filename)] elif hasattr(filename, 'name'): self.graph_metadata['provided_by'] = [] self.load_networkx_graph(rdfgraph, predicates) self.load_node_attributes(rdfgraph)
[docs] def add_ontology(self, file: str) -> None: """ Load an ontology OWL into a Rdflib.Graph # TODO: is there better way of pre-loading required ontologies? """ ont = rdflib.Graph()"Parsing {}".format(file)) ont.parse(file, format=rdflib.util.guess_format(file)) self.ontologies.append(ont)"{} parsed with {} triples".format(file, len(ont)))
[docs] def load_networkx_graph(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph = None, predicates: Set[URIRef] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Walk through the rdflib.Graph and load all required triples into networkx.MultiDiGraph By default this method loads the following predicates, - ``RDFS.subClassOf`` - ``OWL.sameAs`` - ``OWL.equivalentClass`` - ``is_about`` (IAO:0000136) - ``has_subsequence`` (RO:0002524) - ``is_subsequence_of`` (RO:0002525) This behavior can be overridden by providing a list of rdflib.URIRef that ought to be loaded via the ``predicates`` parameter. Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph Graph containing nodes and edges predicates: list A list of rdflib.URIRef representing predicates to be loaded kwargs: dict Any additional arguments """ if predicates is None: predicates = set() predicates = predicates.union(self.OWL_PREDICATES, [self.is_about, self.is_subsequence_of, self.has_subsequence]) triples = rdfgraph.triples((None, None, None))"Loading from rdflib.Graph to networkx.MultiDiGraph") with click.progressbar(list(triples), label='Progress') as bar: for s, p, o in bar: if (p == self.is_about) and (p in predicates): logging.debug("Loading is_about predicate") # if predicate is 'is_about' then treat object as publication self.add_node_attribute(o, key=s, value='publications') elif (p == self.is_subsequence_of) and (p in predicates): logging.debug("Loading is_subsequence_of predicate") # if predicate is 'is_subsequence_of' self.add_edge(s, o, self.is_subsequence_of) elif (p == self.has_subsequence) and (p in predicates): logging.debug("Loading has_subsequence predicate") # if predicate is 'has_subsequence', interpret the inverse relation 'is_subsequence_of' self.add_edge(o, s, self.is_subsequence_of) elif any(p.lower() == x.lower() for x in predicates): logging.debug("Loading {} predicate".format(p)) self.add_edge(s, o, p)
[docs] def load_node_attributes(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph) -> None: """ This method loads the properties of nodes into networkx.MultiDiGraph As there can be many values for a single key, all properties are lists by default. This method assumes that ``RdfTransformer.load_edges()`` has been called, and that all nodes have had their IRI as an attribute. Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph Graph containing nodes and edges """"Loading node attributes from rdflib.Graph into networkx.MultiDiGraph") with click.progressbar(self.graph.nodes(data=True), label='Progress') as bar: for n, data in bar: if 'id' not in data: data['id'] = n if 'iri' in data: uriref = URIRef(data['iri']) else: provided_by = self.graph_metadata.get('provided_by') logging.warning("No 'iri' property for {} provided by {}".format(n, provided_by)) continue for s, p, o in rdfgraph.triples((uriref, None, None)): if p in property_mapping: # predicate corresponds to a property on subject if not (isinstance(s, rdflib.term.BNode) and isinstance(o, rdflib.term.BNode)): # neither subject nor object is a BNode if isinstance(o, rdflib.term.Literal): o = o.value self.add_node_attribute(uriref, key=p, value=o) elif isinstance(o, rdflib.term.Literal): # object is a Literal # i.e. predicate corresponds to a property on subject self.add_node_attribute(uriref, key=p, value=o.value) categories = infer_category(uriref, rdfgraph) logging.debug("Inferred '{}' as category for node '{}'".format(categories, uriref)) for category in categories: self.add_node_attribute(uriref, key='category', value=category)
[docs]class ObanRdfTransformer(RdfTransformer): """ Transformer that parses a 'turtle' file and loads triples, as nodes and edges, into a networkx.MultiDiGraph This Transformer supports OBAN style of modeling where, - it dereifies OBAN.association triples into a property graph form - it reifies property graph into OBAN.association triples """
[docs] def load_networkx_graph(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph = None, predicates: Set[URIRef] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Walk through the rdflib.Graph and load all triples into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph Graph containing nodes and edges predicates: list A list of rdflib.URIRef representing predicates to be loaded kwargs: dict Any additional arguments """ if not predicates: predicates = set() predicates = predicates.union(self.OWL_PREDICATES) for rel in predicates: triples = rdfgraph.triples((None, rel, None)) with click.progressbar(list(triples), label="Loading relation '{}'".format(rel)) as bar: for s, p, o in bar: if not (isinstance(s, rdflib.term.BNode) and isinstance(o, rdflib.term.BNode)): self.add_edge(s, o, p) # get all OBAN.associations associations = rdfgraph.subjects(RDF.type, OBAN.association)"Loading from rdflib.Graph into networkx.MultiDiGraph") with click.progressbar(list(associations), label='Progress') as bar: for association in bar: edge_attr = defaultdict(list) edge_attr['id'].append(str(association)) # dereify OBAN.association subject = None object = None predicate = None # get all triples for association for s, p, o in rdfgraph.triples((association, None, None)): if o.startswith(PMID): edge_attr['publications'].append(o) if p in property_mapping or isinstance(o, rdflib.term.Literal): p = property_mapping.get(p, p) if p == 'subject': subject = o elif p == 'object': object = o elif p == 'predicate': predicate = o else: edge_attr[p].append(o) if predicate is None: logging.warning("No 'predicate' for OBAN.association {}; defaulting to '{}'".format(association, self.DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL)) predicate = DEFAULT_EDGE_LABEL if subject and object: self.add_edge(subject, object, predicate) for key, values in edge_attr.items(): for value in values: self.add_edge_attribute(subject, object, predicate, key=key, value=value)
[docs] def uriref(self, identifier: str) -> URIRef: """ Generate a rdflib.URIRef for a given string. Parameters ---------- identifier: str Identifier as string. Returns ------- rdflib.URIRef URIRef form of the input ``identifier`` """ if identifier in property_mapping: uri = property_mapping[identifier] else: uri = self.prefix_manager.expand(identifier) return URIRef(uri)
[docs] def save_attribute(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph, object_iri: URIRef, key: str, value: Union[List[str], str]) -> None: """ Saves a node or edge attributes from networkx.MultiDiGraph into rdflib.Graph Intended to be used within ``. Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph Graph containing nodes and edges object_iri: rdflib.URIRef IRI of an object in the graph key: str The name of the attribute value: Union[List[str], str] The value of the attribute; Can be either a List or just a string """ element = self.toolkit.get_element(key) if element is None: return if element.is_a == 'association slot' or element.is_a == 'node property': if key in property_mapping: key = property_mapping[key] else: key = URIRef('{}{}'.format(BIOLINK,' ', '_'))) if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)): value = [value] for value in value: if element.range == 'iri type': value = URIRef('{}{}'.format(BIOLINK, ''.join(value.title().split(' ')))) rdfgraph.add((object_iri, key, rdflib.term.Literal(value)))
[docs] def save(self, filename: str = None, output_format: str = "turtle", **kwargs) -> None: """ Transform networkx.MultiDiGraph into rdflib.Graph that follow OBAN-style reification and export this graph as a file (``turtle``, by default). Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename to write to output_format: str The output format; default: ``turtle`` kwargs: dict Any additional arguments """ # Make a new rdflib.Graph() instance to generate RDF triples rdfgraph = rdflib.Graph() # Register OBAN URL prefix ( as `OBAN` in the namespace. rdfgraph.bind('OBAN', str(OBAN)) # <> is currently stored as OBO:RO_0002558 rather than RO:0002558 # because of the bug in rdflib. See rdfgraph.bind('OBO', str(OBO)) rdfgraph.bind('biolink', str(BIOLINK)) # saving all nodes for n, data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): if 'iri' not in n: uriRef = self.uriref(n) else: uriRef = URIRef(data['iri']) for key, value in data.items(): if key not in ['id', 'iri']: self.save_attribute(rdfgraph, uriRef, key=key, value=value) # saving all edges for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): if 'relation' not in data: raise Exception('Relation is a required edge property in the biolink model, edge {} --> {}'.format(u, v)) if 'id' in data and data['id'] is not None: assoc_id = URIRef(data['id']) else: # generating a UUID for association assoc_id = URIRef('urn:uuid:{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())) rdfgraph.add((assoc_id, RDF.type, OBAN.association)) rdfgraph.add((assoc_id, OBAN.association_has_subject, self.uriref(u))) rdfgraph.add((assoc_id, OBAN.association_has_predicate, self.uriref(data['relation']))) rdfgraph.add((assoc_id, OBAN.association_has_object, self.uriref(v))) for key, value in data.items(): if key not in ['subject', 'relation', 'object']: self.save_attribute(rdfgraph, assoc_id, key=key, value=value) # Serialize the graph into the file. rdfgraph.serialize(destination=filename, format=output_format)
[docs]class RdfOwlTransformer(RdfTransformer): """ Transformer that parses an OWL ontology in RDF, while retaining class-class relationships. """
[docs] def load_networkx_graph(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph = None, predicates: Set[URIRef] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Walk through the rdflib.Graph and load all triples into networkx.MultiDiGraph Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph Graph containing nodes and edges predicates: list A list of rdflib.URIRef representing predicates to be loaded kwargs: dict Any additional arguments """ triples = rdfgraph.triples((None, RDFS.subClassOf, None))"Loading from rdflib.Graph to networkx.MultiDiGraph") with click.progressbar(list(triples), label='Progress') as bar: for s, p, o in bar: # ignoring blank nodes if isinstance(s, rdflib.term.BNode): continue pred = None parent = None # TODO: does this block load all relevant bits from an OWL? if isinstance(o, rdflib.term.BNode): # C SubClassOf R some D for x in rdfgraph.objects(o, OWL.onProperty): pred = x for x in rdfgraph.objects(o, OWL.someValuesFrom): parent = x if pred is None or parent is None: logging.warning("Do not know how to handle BNode: {}".format(o)) continue else: # C SubClassOf D (C and D are named classes) pred = p parent = o self.add_edge(s, parent, pred) relations = rdfgraph.subjects(RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty) logging.debug("Loading relations") with click.progressbar(relations, label='Progress') as bar: for relation in bar: for _, p, o in rdfgraph.triples((relation, None, None)): if o.startswith(''): self.add_edge(relation, o, p) else: self.add_node_attribute(relation, key=p, value=o) self.add_node_attribute(relation, key='category', value='relation')